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7 Tips Basic SEO Onpage

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Onpage SEO is the technique of optimizing your website or blog so favored by search engines.Called Onpage because that is optimized is the website itself, not by way of external websites such as looking for backlinks or inserting articles to social bookmarking. The search engine will find pages that best match the search term entered by the user.That's because, it is important to target keywords that are searched at least more than 1000 times a month.So be useless to optimize a page containing keywords with no or little demand. Here are seven tipsOnpage SEO that you can use to ensure that search engines consider your website for certain search terms.
1. Buying domain names that match keywords or phrases that you aim at.
For example, if the keywords you shoot is'yoga porse'then name your domain is ideal.If you can not get the same exact name, try using a dash or add a word as a suffix such as can add the prefix word but the word endings tend to have better rankings in search engines.
2. Make sure your keywords appear in the URL of the page.This has been handled if the domain name already contains the keyword.
But if not, you can do SEO Onpage on sub-pages.So for example you will have a URL like / poses of yoga.
3. Make sure your keywords appear in the name of the website and in the meta tag keywords.
If you do not know what this means, you need to make sure that you understand the web developers about this.Tags keywords may not be as important as the first but still fit for use as part of your Onpage SEO strategy.
4. Enter keywords into the headings (titles and subtitles of the article).
If you can put your keywords into different levels of headings such as heading 1 (h1), heading 2 (2), etc., this will attract the attention of search engines.Ideally, place the keywords at least to the heading 1, heading 2 and heading 3.
5. Create keyword prominence.
Create keyword prominence by making it bold, italics, or underline.Search engines consider the words with a specific format as something important.
6. If you have an image on a web page,
enter keywords into the tag 'alt'.If you do not have a picture, you might want to find images that are relevant to your article.Not only can you use it for SEO Onpage but also can increase the attractiveness of the article for the reader.
7.Create your keywords appear in the first sentence and last sentence in your article.
Search engines are often more concerned with beginning and end of the article content.It is important to improve your Onpage SEO.