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What is dofollow and nofollow

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What is dofollow and nofollow in this time article about What isdofollow and nofollowin SEO activities?A link from another website that leads to the website we have 2 types of benefit and not for the search results in several major search engines, in this case Sorry before, we do not have articles that speak Indonesian.But we are sure you can understand English.If you've been doing any kind of reading about link building, then you've probably seen people mentioning "dofollow"links.These are Very Important terms to understand Pls you are Trying to build great links back to your site in order to increase is your search engine rankings.But, to the Person Who is new to all of this, it May be kind of confusing. I am going to help break it down for you.When creating a link on a webpage using HTML, the standard code for that link is:Search Engine OptimizationIt includes the HTML tag, the URL of the link will of be going to, the text That will from be shown on the webpage for that link, and the closing HTML tag. You are Able to add more HTML to the code above, in order to tell the search engine spiders whether or not You Want Them to follow the link Pls crawling your website.You May be thinking ... "Why wouldn't I want the search engine spiders to see all of the links on my site?" This is a very valid concern, the which I will from Further down the address. First, I am going to show you how to modify the HTML in order to tell the search engine spiders to crawl a link or not.To tell the spiders to crawl a link, you do not have to do anything.Simply using the format shown above, the search engine spiders crawl will from the link provided. To tell the spiders to NOT crawl a link, you need to add the Following code to the HTML code above:rel = "nofollow"It would then look like:Search Engine OptimizationBasically, there is no true "dofollow", it is just NOT using the "nofollow" tag. Pretty simple, eh?Why does this matter?When you are using different methods in order to build links on other websites (to increase is your search engine rankings), you need to determine if the websites you are attempting to get your site listed on use the "nofollow" tag or not. If They do, it May still be a good idea to try to get that link there, but it is generally regarded as not the best use of time since the search engines do not follow that link and you do not get any increase is in search engine rankings from that link. So, Pls you are looking for sites and blogs That Could you leave your link on (through reciprocal links, commenting on a blog, directory submissions, buying links, etc) figure out if the links in the particular section of the site you are aiming for the uses "nofollow" or not. Why wouldn't I want the search engine spiders to see all of the links on my site?(Or, Why Would I use "nofollow"?)There are many Reasons you Would Want to use the "nofollow" tag, Such as:
1. Paid Links: This is recommended by Google.Essentially, your sites page rank give a small amount of rank juice to the sites you link to (the which helps Their search engine ranking, the which is the purpose of link building, to get That juice from others). If you have a paid link on your site, it's essentially buying a higher rank in Google.They do not like that.
2. Maybe in your blog's comment section (if using most blog software, this is automatic).It is up to you if you Want your Commentators to get a link back to site their juice. It is personal preference.
3. When linking to major, very popular sites.If you are linking to,, (the front page),, or whoever else, They are already popular, so you Might as well use "nofollow" since your link will not the make or break Them. Another information aboutNofollow:nofollowis an HTML attribute value Used to instruct Some search engines a hyperlink That Should not influence the link target's ranking in the search engine's index. It is intended to reduce the effectiveness of perform certain types of search engine spam, thereby Improving the quality of search engine results and preventing spamdexing from occurring.The concept for the specification of the nofollow attribute value was Designed by Google's head of webspam team Matt Cutts and Jason Shellen from in 2005. The specification for nofollow is copyrighted 2005-2007 by the authors and subject to a royalty-free patent policy, eg per the W3C Patent Policy 20040205, and IETF RFC 3667 and RFC 3668.The authors intend to submit this specification to a standards body with a liberal copyright / licensing policy Such as the GMPG, IETF, and / or W3C. The nofollow attribute value is not meant for blocking access to content, or for preventing content to be indexed by search engines.The proper methods for blocking search engine spiders to access content on a website or for preventing Them to include the content of a page in Their indexes are the Robots Exclusion Standard (robots.txt) for blocking access and on-page meta Elements That Are Designed to specify on an individual page level what a search engine spiders Should or Should not do with the content of the crawled pages. MediaWiki software, the which powers Wikipedia, nofollow was equipped with support soon after the initial announcement in 2005.The option was enabled on most Wikipedias.One of the prominent exceptions was the Home of Wikipedia. Initially, after a discussion, it was decided not to use rel = "nofollow" in articles and to use a URL blacklist instead.In this way, the Home Simple Contributed to the scores of the pages it linked to, and expected editors to link to relevant pages. In May 2006, a patch to MediaWiki software is allowed to enable nofollow selectively in namespaces.This functionality was Used on Pages that are not Considered to be part of the actual encyclopedia, Such as discussion pages and resources for editors. Following Increasing spam problems and a within-Foundation orders from Jimmy Wales, the rel = "nofollow" was added to the article-space links in January 2007.However, the Various interwiki templates and shortcuts that link to other Wikimedia Foundation projects and many external wikis Wikia Such as are not affected by this policy. Other websites like Slashdot, with high user participation, use improvised nofollow implementations like adding rel = "nofollow" only for Potentially misbehaving users.Potential spammers posing as users cans be determined through Various heuristics like Age of registered accounts and other factors. Slashdot Also uses the poster's karma as a determinant in attaching a nofollow tag to user submitted links.Social bookmarking and photo sharing websites That use the rel = "nofollow" tag for Their outgoing links include YouTube; websites That do not use the rel = "nofollow" tags include, Furl, (formerly ), Yahoo My Web 2.0, and Technorati Favs. Search engines have attempted to repurpose the nofollow attribute for something different.Google began suggesting the use of nofollow Also as a machine-readable disclosure for paid links, so That these links do not get credit in search engines' results. The growth of the economy buying links, Nowhere companies' entire business models are based on paid links affect search engine rankings That, the caused the debate about the use of nofollow in combination with paid links to move into the center of attention of the search engines, WHO started to take active steps against link buyers and sellers. This triggered a very strong response from web masters.