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How to improve technorati rank

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tips How to improve technorati rank. For the bloggers he certainly knew about technorati. technorati now so famous among the bloggers, some bloggers determine advertise his blog by searching for the best blogs through technorati. Because Technorati is one of the boss blog search engines. Some bloggers find out how to increase page rank technorati .. hmm ..but how? How does the technorati? In any system that technorati was named Authority. The higher the Authority that determine how popular our blog. We can get into the top 100 technorati it also depends on the Authority.Technorati Authority is the number or numbers of our blogs link to your websiteHow to increase page rank TR?

1. Backlinks to your blog you can use a link exchange, the greater the existing backlinks on your blog, the greater also the page rank you have in Technorati ..You can also leave comments on the web / blog someone lloll

2. Ask for Favourite at Technorati how else can use technorati fave if you blog in more than 150 member like technorati, you will get listed in top 100 technorati, and see how many visitors you get 3. Create a lot of contents
the more content that you make, the more likely we get a ranking on technorati

4. Ping Manually make sure your blog pings to technorati.You can set your blog manually or auto ping ping technorati.