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Trick how to get traffic from stumbleupon

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This time Tricks how to get traffic from stumbleupon Thank you for taking the time to visit my BLOGthis simple. Ihope to provide benefits more roads in the forum turned out this menu. I'm posting atrick to gettraffic from stumbleupon.hopefully this trick can be useful for seo friends.The method:- Fake Your Referer, Get More Traffic- Stumbleupon When website owners to check their stats, they will get url of your website pointing to their websitestep-by-step:1.Install Firefox2.Join StumbleUpon.com3.Install the iMacros Firefox extension: _https: / / Install the RefControl extension: _https: / / Firefox, click Tools -> Option RefControl6."Default for sites not listed" click Edit, and insert your URL: Test your referrer click _http: / / / ref.php9.In Firefox, click View -> Sidebar -> iOpus iMacros10.Create a new macro, and use this script:11.VERSION BUILD = 6240709 RECORDER = FX URL GO TO = javascript: if (location.href.indexOf ("stumbleu / s /") <0) {window.location = ""}SET! ERRORIGNORE YES TAG POS = 1 TYPE = A ATTR = ID: linkStumbleWAIT SECONDS = 1TAG POS = 1 TYPE = A ATTR = ID: linkThumbWAIT SECONDS = 112.IN iMacros set "Max:" it's up to you (to Stumble) such as 3000 or 10000.13. Click Play (Loop)14.Traffic + Profit