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Recent visitor mybloglog

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Recent Visitor MyBloglog Want to have a Recent Visitor ...??If the blog you want to add a beautiful and attractive there's no harm in adding our blog widget with products MyBloglog Recent visitors, with an interesting pitur Recent visitors is very helpful to us to know that our blog visitors have, Recent visitors is one widget that can display photos and profile of the visitors, to have a widget that you follow these steps,
* Go to the site
* You Register
* After any confirmation,
* You can upload an avatar image or photo
* Figure avatar or photo you'll be displayed if you visit other blogs that also install widget mybloglog. after that to get widget mybloglog

* Click on the tab My site.

* Fill the data you blog complete with descriptions and keywords blogs.

* Wait, You will be asked to clarify that the name of your blog that this list really belongs to you.
* The way of clarification, mybloglog asked to make a new post, which at the end of the posts required to paste the code provided mybloglog.
* Another way to clarify is to add meta tags.Furthermore, after creating a new post that marked the writing clarification clarification appears as follows: ("Undergoing MyBlogLog Verification") You return to the site mybloglog and click the "clarify" or clarification. Will appear after that some functions such as:
* Widget to display Recent mybloglog visitors,* Widget statistical link was visited by the most distinguished guests of your blog,
* Stats Tracking Script that placement by editing the HTML templates anda.Fungsi-function could you copy the code html / javascriptnya and paste in the blog that got you.
Done, congratulations you've got Recent visitors have MyBloglog, stay the visitors waiting to view the Photo-photo in the widget you have,