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SEO techniques that is worth to know

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SEO Techniques That isworth to KnowAfter a long search on the world of blogging, especially about SEO (I understand the problem still clogs understand SEO) I find it interesting at one blog about SEO.Of the many blogs that I read on average provide info to be able to compete in the SERP.But something very interesting and I might receive in the mind is the main blog search engines to be liked, especially google, it's not because of frequent updates or continue expanding the number of posts. Sure is great when we frequently update the blog with as much as possible to increase the number of posts but far more important is the content or articles are really good quality and useful to readers. bloging is how to present content or articles that could make the visitors gave the comments.Not independent of the benefits or quality of such content. For before the study good blogs the term of the master that CONTENT IS KING. I have little opinion and add a bit of a CONTENT IS KING AND QUEEN ARE VISITOR COMMENTS. I often find blogs that good in the SERP but not have much content or articles, as I observe and conclude for yourself that the blog could have a good position in SERP's because of the large number of visitors and gave the comments on each post. my conclusion (this person only): how to make the content quality and can make visitors to leave comments if you can sech a quality too, so how to create content that can stand to read from start to finish by the visitors finished with a very big chance be leaving the comment. If visitors get bored to read how to comment,he don't know the contents of such content.Ohh yes to quality content that's up from each, may be the article was funny, interesting, useful, weird, or other.

So could a lot of visitors and can provide comments After reading and viewing videos on youtube from google webmaster help, can be taken that statement is no doubt its validity.Because the google themselves disclose, in this case is on Matt Cutts. matt cuts said that the update frequency of a blog post not taken into account by the algorithm google.In fact he says: Far better to wait until a few days or even weeks if my friend takes time to write and study the topics to be discussed from a content or an article that actually qualified for the reader. So can visitors can leave comments In other words,quality (quality) content is really very important in the eyes of google than the number of posts (quantity) and frequency of posting updates.However, it still needs to update this post. the readers who always want fresh content, to the feed subscribers, on google To add new keywords, etc..Only, do not be burdened if it does not update the blog, because google will not give any updates should not be a burden, use time to prepare a quality content or beneficial (in terms of quality can increase the number of visitors and visitors to provide quality commentary and support) To please my friend makes an article that really good according to my friend, after my friend looking at the search engine about the topic of the article my friend. Is it just that there is an article my friend.No doubt many who create articles on the same topic.Pal article has 10 people and visitors comment on other blogs that discuss the same topic comments visitors have 50 people. When compared with writing from grammar, content or whatever.Content pal nicer.